Lynne Czyzewicz is the Director of Operations at GMR. She brings 5+ years of legal recruiting and law firm management experience to the firm. Lynne has enjoyed her journey in the legal field and we appreciate her unique perspective. Here is more about Lynne’s story:
“I never thought I would work in legal. I started out my professional career working at a boutique staffing agency where we staffed for some of the largest firms in the country. Let’s just say the experience was not enjoyable. One day, I saw a posting on LinkedIn about a recruiter for a law firm and the gal who posted it (my soon-to-be-boss) seemed really interesting and way too cool to be working at a law firm, so I said what the heck and applied. I’m very glad I did! I’ve really enjoyed working in the legal field and being around extremely bright people who constantly build each other up and challenge one another. Don’t get me wrong, there have been rough days, but overall my role has been extremely rewarding and the people make it that much better.
One piece of advice I would pass along to other women who are looking to get into the legal field is don’t be afraid to stand firm on your beliefs and opinions. Not everyone is going to agree with you, (spoiler, most people won’t) but having confidence in yourself, your beliefs, and your opinions will take you lots of places.”
Lynne’s favorite quote: “Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.” – Dr. Seuss