GMR partner Jeff Tenthoff continued his winning streak this year after fifteen (15) defense victories last year. He won a Delaware County, Pennsylvania, trial on factual cause in a full-tort stipulated negligence case in front of Judge Eckel. In this matter, Jeff’s client was a 20-year-old who lost control of a friend’s BMW while navigating […]
GMR wins Summary Judgment in Hudson County, NJ
Senior Counsel Keith Bursack and Associate Attorney Kara Brownlie prevailed on a motion for summary judgment, dismissing all claims against our client in a motor vehicle action in Hudson County, New Jersey. The plaintiffs alleged that the defendant negligently operated a motor vehicle, causing them to sustain injuries. In this action, the co-defendant’s vehicle struck […]
GMR Wins Kings County, NY Jury Trial on Causation Despite Three Doctors Testifying to Injuries Related to Auto Accident
GMR Partner Matthew Moroney won a trial defending a client who negligently sideswiped the plaintiff. The accident caused significant damage to both parties’ vehicles. The plaintiff testified that she banged her knee due to the impact of the accident. She treated for several months with trigger point injections to her neck and back and was […]
GMR Wins Philadelphia Jury Trial on Limited Tort Involving Eggshell Plaintiff with Kidney Disease
GMR Partner Jeff Tenthoff won on the issue of serious injury following a disputed intersectional accident where Plaintiff, who recently had kidney replacement surgery, complained of immediate, intense pain and was removed from the scene by EMS to the ER. He was admitted overnight for observation, considering his underlying condition. The Plaintiff had approximately four […]
GMR Wins Montgomery County Jury Trials Defending New Driver Whose Negligence Allegedly Injured Two Plaintiffs on a Bus
GMR Partner Jeff Tenthoff won a trial in Montgomery County, PA on factual cause as to two plaintiffs, each represented by separate counsel. The plaintiffs were on a SEPTA bus when Jeff’s client made an ill-advised and illegal right turn into a Target parking lot directly in front of the SEPTA bus the Plaintiffs were […]